Combining, Combining urz – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

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When a disaster or failure occurs, the above procedure enables you to resume your business tasks
by using TCz Synchronous M-VOLs in the intermediate site. The TCz Synchronous M-VOLs in the
intermediate site will contain the same data that are stored in the TCz Synchronous M-VOLs in the
primary (main) site.

For detailed information about copy status in Business Continuity Manager, see the HP StorageWorks
XP for Business Continuity Manager Software User's Guide

Transferring Business Tasks Back to the Primary Site

After performing disaster recovery as explained in

Disaster Recovery in a 3DC Cascading


and removing failures at the primary site or other locations, you will be able to

transfer business tasks back to the primary site.

To transfer business tasks back to the primary site, follow the procedure below. Business Continuity
Manager is used in this procedure:


Stop business tasks at the secondary site.


If the disaster recovery operation (as explained in

Disaster Recovery in a 3DC Cascading


) could not change the URz pair status to Duplex and could not reverse the copy

direction, use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKRESYNC REVERSE command onto
the journal groups that will make a URz pair between the intermediate site and the secondary
site. YKRESYNC is a command for re-establishing a pair.


Wait until the status of the URz pair changes to Duplex.


Use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKSUSPND REVERSE command onto the
journal groups that will make a URz pair between the intermediate site and the secondary
site. YKSUSPND is a command for splitting a pair and stopping the copy operation temporarily.


Wait until the status of the URz pair changes to Suspend.


If the TCz Synchronous volume is not in Simplex status, use Business Continuity Manager to
execute the YKDELETE command onto the TCz Synchronous pair, and then wait until the status
changes to Simplex. YKDELETE is a command for releasing a pair.


If the TCz Synchronous volume is in Simplex status, use Business Continuity Manager to execute
the YKMAKE REVERSE command onto the TCz Synchronous pair that exists between the primary
site and the intermediate site. YKMAKE is a command for establishing a pair.


Use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKSUSPND FORWARD command onto the
TCz Synchronous pair that exists between the primary site and the intermediate site.


Use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKDELETE command onto the TCz Synchronous
pair that exists between the primary site and the intermediate site.


Use volumes in the primary site to resume your business tasks.


Execute the YKDELETE command onto journal groups that will make a URz pair between the
intermediate site and the secondary site.

The system returns to the status before the 3DC cascading configuration was set up.

For detailed information about Business Continuity Manager usage and copy statuses, see the HP
StorageWorks XP for Business Continuity Manager Software User's Guide

Combining URz with TCz Synchronous (3DC Multi-target Configuration)

The XP storage system provides the function to combine URz and TCz Synchronous. In a system
where URz and TCz Synchronous are combined, there are one primary site and two secondary
sites. One of the secondary sites is for synchronous remote copy, and is usually located at a short
distance from the primary site. The other secondary site is for asynchronous remote copy, and is
usually located at a long distance from the primary site. Such a system configuration is called three
data center (3DC) multi-target configuration

Combining URz with Other Data Management Operations


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