How to import an esri shape, mapinfo mid/mif, Or tiger file, Dem, bil(ned) – Ag Leader SMS Basic and Advanced Manual User Manual

Page 139

background image

How to ...


A dialog will now appear that provides a list of the file formats or groups of formats that can be imported.
Select the button labeled as IMAGES...


From the Open dialog, select your image file. Click Open once you make your selection.


Depending on the image you select and its formatting, you may have to manually geo-reference the image if
the geo-referencing is not included with the file.


The Image Clipping Options dialog will no appear. Select one of the clipping options for the image you are
importing and then click the Next> button.


Now the Image Import Settings dialog will appear and you must select a management type for the image,
either Management Tree, Background, or Temporary reference for the Boundary Editor. Once you have
made you selections click the FINISH button.

If the Background option was selected then you can select the image as a background through the
Map menu. To do this, select the Set Background… icon on the Map toolbar or go to the Map
menu and select Set Background and then select the image to use as a background.

If the Management Tree selection was made then enter in the required management selections
and then click Accept.

If the Temporary Reference option was selected then the Boundary Editor will automatically open
and have the image displayed as a background layer while the editor is open.


The image can now be selected from the management tree and added as a map layer or selected for display
as a background, or used temporarily in the Boundary Editor.

How to import an ESRI Shape, MapInfo Mid/Mif, DEM, or TIGER file.

Follow these steps to import an ESRI Shape, MapInfo Mid/Mif, DEM, or TIGER file into the system:


Now go to the FILE menu or the main toolbar and select READ FILE(S)...


A dialog will now appear with three options on it for reading files into the software. To import files from a
generic source, select the third option IMPORT A FILE FROM A GENERIC SOURCE. The option is selected
if there is a green check mark over the top right corner of the file icon. Once the option is selected, click the


A dialog will now appear that provides a list of the file formats or groups of formats that can be imported.
Select one of the buttons that is labeled with the format name you wish to import or the type of file you want
to import.. Then click the SELECT FILE(S) TO IMPORT... button.


Now the Open dialog will appear and allow you to select the file you will import. Click Open once you make
your selection.


A preview map of the data contained in the selected file will now be displayed, if correct click the Next>
button to continue, otherwise click Cancel to exit the import process. Data displayed in the preview is


Now select a Data Type and a Management Type for the imported data. The Data Type selection will
depend on the type of data being imported. If it is point data then you can import it as any of the types in the
system such as Grain Harvest or Application Rate. If the file contains data formatted as a polygon or poly-
line then the type can only be Generic, such as TIGER files. For the Management Type, you can select to
import the data and manage/display it in the Management Tree or use it as a Background only, which means
it will not be selectable from the Management Tree. You can also select to have the imported data clipped to
frozen boundaries in the system, all other data in the import file will be ignored. Click Next> once you make
these selections.


If you selected to manage the data in the Management Tree you can now select specific attributes that can
mapped in the system, if desired. Once the desired attributes have been selected, the Save Template button
can be used to save the column settings as a custom template for future use. Click Next> when done. If you
selected to import the data as a background ignore this step and click Next>.


Now select the management information for the imported data then click Next>. If you selected to import the
data as a background this step will be skipped. Also, if you selected the Clip to Boundaries option then you
will only be required to set the Year, Operation, Product, and Operational Instance. Grower, Farm, and Field
will automatically be set based on the boundary that the data falls into when it is clipped.

9. Click


Notes on importing Selection List data:

Selection Lists contain data that you want to use again and again to provide consistency in your
data that you collect and work with. So an example would be a list of weather conditions; Sunny,
Cloudy, Rainy, etc. for example. The software does some rather unique and help tasks behind
the scenes to help you with building and maintaining Selection Lists. If you import an attribute
from a file and set it to the attribute in the system that has a Data Type of Selection List, the
software will take the values in the imported data and convert each unique value in the data to a
Selection List entry. then when you import data from other files and set them to import as the

