How to export a tgt prescription file, How to export an insight irx prescription file – Ag Leader SMS Basic and Advanced Manual User Manual

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How to ...


An open dialog will now appear and you should now select the file that you would like to import using the
selected template. Click Open once you have made your selection. Note: The file selected for import must
match the format and type that was used to create the template.


Select a Data Type and a Management Type for the imported data. The Data Type selection will depend
on the type of data being imported. If it is point data then you can import it as any of the types in the
system such as Grain Harvest or Application Rate. If the file contains data formatted as a polygon or
polyline then the type can only be Generic. For the Management Type, you can select to import the data
and manage/display it in the Management Tree or use it as a Background only, which means it will not be
selectable from the Management Tree. Click Next> once you make these selections. If you selected
Background, then the process is complete and you can now display the imported file as a background by
going to Set Background… and selecting the file.


The Select Column Attributes dialog will now appear. The attribute columns should all be set and ready to
continue. Make sure that there is data for all the columns that are set and that they match properly. Click
Next> when done.


Select the management information for the imported data then click Next>.

8. Click


How to export a TGT prescription file.

Follow these steps to export a TGT prescription file:


Select a prescription dataset from the Management Tree to create a TGT file from and highlight it or select a
gridded dataset layer on the active map.


Go to the File menu and select Export. The Select an Export Method... dialog will now appear.


Select either the option to export a full Device Setup or a single file for use in a field display and then click
the Start...button.


If you selected the first option to export a Device Setup then please see the how to on creating/exporting a
Device Setup: How to create and export a Device Setup. If you selected the second option to export single
files to a display you will now be prompted to select the field display/format that you want to export to.


Select the Ag Leader Technology file group button and then select the TGT Prescription selection from the
file format list. Click the Export... button.


The TGT Export Settings dialog will now appear. If desired enter in different X and Y grid sizes than what
are displayed by default. The Field and Product names should be filled in based on the management
information for the selected dataset but these names can be edited since they have no effect on how the Ag
Leader PF3000 or PF3000 Pro will use them. Select a unit for the TGT file. Lastly, enter a default rate that
will be used in the case that you lose GPS or differential correction while applying or manually override the
prescription file.


The export Preview dialog will now be displayed and show what your prescription dataset looks like now that

it has been converted to a raster type dataset so that it can be saved as a TGT. Click OK to continue on.


Now select a location to save the TGT prescription file to. Ideally you would select your PC card drive and
have the export save the TGT prescription file directly to the PCMCIA card.


Now enter a name to save the file as if you don’t like the default, which is the Field name.

10. Click the Save button.

How to export an Insight/EDGE/INTEGRA IRX Prescription File

Follow these steps to export an IRX prescription file:


Select one or more (limit 5) prescription datasets from the Management Tree to create an IRX file from or
select a gridded dataset layer(s) on the active map.


Go to the File menu and select Export. The Select an Export Method... dialog will now appear.


Select either the option to export a full Device Setup or a single file for use in a field display and then click
the Start...button.


If you selected the first option to export a Device Setup then please see the how to on creating/exporting a
Device Setup: How to create and export a Device Setup. If you selected the second option to export single
files to a display you will now be prompted to select the field display/format that you want to export to.


Select the Ag Leader Technology file group button and then select one of the *.IRX selections from the file
format list. If you are only exporting a single prescription then select the one without "- Mulitple Layers"
behind it. If you are exporting multiple prescriptions together for application at the same time then select the
file format option with "- Mulitple layers" after its name. Click the Export... button.


The IRX Export Options dialog will now appear. If desired, enter in different X and Y grid sizes than what are
displayed by default. Now enter a default rate that will be used in the case that you lose GPS or differential
correction while applying or manually override the prescription file.


The export Preview dialog will now be displayed and show what your prescription dataset looks like now that

it has been converted to a raster type dataset so that it can be saved as an IRX. Click OK to continue.

