Campbell Scientific WINDSONIC 2-D Sonic Wind Sensors User Manual

Page 42

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Appendix B. Updating an Older Program for Measuring a WindSonic1 With the New Settings

New CR1000 Program (Section 7.3.1)

(Public variables change. Data table structure stays the same.)

Dim windsonic(4) As String
Public wind_direction

Public wind_speed
Public diag
Public nmbr_bytes_rtrnd

Units wind_direction = degrees
Units wind_speed = m/s
Units diag = unitless

Dim in_bytes_str As String * 21
Dim checksum_flg As Boolean
Dim disable_flg As Boolean

Dim n
Units n = arb

n = 1
SerialOpen (Com1,9600,3,0,105)
Scan (1,Sec,3,0)

'Get data from WindSonic.
SerialInRecord (Com1,in_bytes_str,&h02,0,&h0D0A,nmbr_bytes_rtrnd,01)
SplitStr (windsonic(),in_bytes_str,",",4,4) 'Split the string and convert to floats.

wind_direction = windsonic(1)
wind_speed = windsonic(2)
diag = windsonic(4)

checksum_flg = ( (HexToDec (Right (in_bytes_str,2))) EQV (CheckSum (in_bytes_str,9,Len (in_bytes_str)-3)) )
disable_flg = ( NOT (checksum_flg) OR (nmbr_bytes_rtrnd=0) OR(diag<>0) )

Old CR1000 SDM-SIO1 Program (Section 6.2 of 7/10 WindSonic manual)

(Public variables change. Data table structure stays the same.)

Public windsonic(4)
Alias windsonic(1) = wind_direction
Alias windsonic(2) = wind_speed
Alias windsonic(3) = diag

Alias windsonic(4) = nmbr_bytes_rtrnd
Units wind_direction = degrees

Units wind_speed = m/s
Units diag = unitless
Dim in_bytes_str As String * 21

Dim checksum_flg As Boolean
Dim disable_flg As Boolean
Dim n

Units n = arb
n = 1

SerialOpen (40,38400,3,0,49) ‘SDM-SIO1 SDM address set to 8.
Scan (1,Sec,3,0)

'Get data from WindSonic.
SerialInRecord (40,in_bytes_str,&h02,0,&h0D0A,nmbr_bytes_rtrnd,00)
wind_direction = Mid (in_bytes_str,3,3)

wind_speed = Mid (in_bytes_str,7,6)
diag = Mid (in_bytes_str,16,2)
checksum_flg = ( (HexToDec (Mid (in_bytes_str,20,2))) EQV (CheckSum(in_bytes_str,9,18)) )
disable_flg = (NOT (checksum_flg) OR (nmbr_bytes_rtrnd=0) OR (diag<>0))

