MTS WIFT Mini Transducer Interface User Manual

Page 51

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Edit the Calibration File



Mini TI

Transducer Interface Setup



The AngleOffset value is used when you are operating in encoder
mode (spinning applications). This value is summed with the encoder
output count. At the end of the process the value in the TI internal
memory and used when the angle mode is set to 0 (encoder). Negative
angles are converted to their positive equivalent so that the readback
value range is 0–360°.

The AngleOffset value is calculated by the TI during the zero process.
At the end of the process it is written to the calibration file.

There is no need to change this calculated value.


Verify that EncoderSize=2048.


If applicable, enter the Angular Velocity full scale.

The Angular Velocity full scale is entered in the calibration file:

// Velocity output scaling (rad/s)
VelocityFullscale = 60.0

5. Perform this step for non-spinning (fixed) applications. For spinning

applications, skip to Step




Verify the value for AngleMode.

Set the AngleMode=1

In this mode, the sine and cosine RAM address is fixed. The encoder is
not used, nor is the encoder offset.


Edit the value for AngleFixed.

The AngleFixed value is used for non-spinning applications. This
value addresses the sine and cosine in memory when the angle mode is
set to 1 (fixed).

Use a non-zero fixed angle value when you are operating in fixed angle
mode (non-spinning applications) only if the transducer is rotated from
its correct Fz–Fx orientation on the road simulator. For installations
where the Fz-Fx orientation on the SWIFT cover(s) is aligned with
gravity. The correct setting is:


If the SWIFT is installed at an angle to the desired Fz–Fx output axis,
set the AngleFixed value equal to the installed angle offset in degrees,
with clockwise rotation positive.

For example: AngleFixed = 45

6. Save the changes and exit the editor.

7. Download the calibration file to the appropriate TI box. See

, “Download the

Calibration File,”

on page 52.
