1 hardware validation tools, 1 factory instrument test guide and results, 4 instrument performance certification – Metrohm NIRS XDS Transmission OptiProbe Analyzer User Manual

Page 80: Hardware validation tools, Factory instrument test guide and results, Installation and operating qualification documents, Instrument performance certification

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Hardware Validation Tools


Factory Instrument Test Guide and Results

Every Metrohm instrument is factory-tested, using the same battery of tests provided for ongoing
customer testing. Included with your instrument are results from Instrument Noise, Bandwidth,
Wavelength Accuracy, Photometric Certification, and Wavelength Certification. These factory tests
are performed under controlled, ideal conditions, and serve as an important baseline for all
subsequent testing.

Test results are included for each module or configuration ordered. These test results are included in
an informative brochure that explains the tests, what they measure, and how they relate to
instrument performance. The Instrument Test Guide and the user instrument test results form the first
part of the instrument log recommended by regulatory bodies.


Installation and Operating Qualification Documents

Laboratory-based Industrial instruments come with Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operating
Qualification (OQ) Documents included as part of the Vision® Spectral Analysis Software package.
These documents are presented in checklist fashion, to guide the user through each step of
instrument set-up and qualification.


NIRStandards® for Instrument Performance Verification

Various regulatory bodies recommend regular
testing of NIR reflectance instrumentation to
verify continuing stability of photometric and
wavelength response. These reflectance
standards include FOSS IPV® Software. It records
"first use" instrument response, and permits
regular verification of subsequent response to the
original measurements.

NIRStandards are designed for easy use with all
Metrohm XDS transmission instruments used in
the pharmaceutical industry, and most Metrohm

instruments used in other industries. They are calibrated on our Master Instrument, which is held to
tight photometric and wavelength response tolerances.


Instrument Performance Certification

The United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, recommends regular instrument testing, as
well as periodic testing of a deeper nature to assure instrument response and reliability. Instrument
Performance Certification (IPC) is offered to meet these requirements. It is performed every six (6)
months, on site, by a certified technician. Some key program features:

Measures instrument response using standards calibrated to Metrohm Master Instrument

Assures consistent response between instruments of identical design.

Performed by factory-trained service personnel

Periodic maintenance is performed on-site to assure consistent ongoing performance.
