CTEK Z4200U SkyRouter User Manual

Page 22

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26 October 2012


Service – determines the mode of operation for the serial ports. Services may be in operation on both serial ports

None - Indicates that a custom application and protocol has been implemented.
TCP PAD & UDP PAD - Selects the appropriate Packet Assembly and Disassembly Service.
PPP - Establishes a PPP connection over the RS232 link

4.2.2 Configuring The Relay Input Interface

This screen configures the connection characteristics of the relay input interface and defines the service associated with
this interface. Currently, the relay interface can cause an SMS message to be sent to one or more wireless devices or an
e-mail message to be sent to one or more email addresses. The rules and limitations that apply to multiple phone
numbers or email addresses are described below.
Appendix A contains schematic information concerning the relay input configuration.

Figure 14 - Relay Input Configuration

Relay Input Trigger – Establishes the conditions under which the Relay Service will be invoked. Unless it is disabled the
relay input is sampled at 1000 millisecond (1 second) intervals.

Disabled – Never respond to relay activity
On Closure – Respond when relay contacts go closed
On Opening - Respond when relay contacts go open

Maximum Trigger Rate – This setting determines how often the router will send a “relay event” message. If the relay
event is recurring at a rapid rate this setting will prevent an undesirable “flood” of messages. If Maximum Trigger Rate is
set to "Always" the relay input is operating in edge triggered mode. In this mode the router will invoke its assigned
service any time that the input transitions to the selected state. So if ON CLOSURE is selected an SMS is sent every time
that the contacts close. This means that once closure is sensed there can be no other closure event until the contacts are
first sensed to be open.

This manual is related to the following products: