Meter coupling range – Canon AT 1 User Manual

Page 63

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Meter Coupling Range

If the circular aperture needle does not

align with the meter needle by turning the

aperture ring, it means that the shutter speed

is not properly set. If this is the case, reset

shutter speed dial so that two needles can be
aligned with each other. And when these two
needles cannot be aligned with each other by
turning the shutter speed dial, change the
aperture. When the shutter speed is set at a

slow speed outside the meter coupling range,
metering cannot be performed even if the
aperture is changed.

The built-in exposure meter couples to

the range of the aperture and shutter speed
with respect to the film speed. For example,

when using the FD 50mm f/1.4 S.S.C. lens

and ASA 100 film, the exposure meter
couples within the range of from EV 3 (f/1.4
at 1/4 sec.) to EV 17 (f/16 at 1/500 sec.).
