Question modes, 10 question modes – QOMO QRF900 User Manual User Manual

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standard is used in the QClick reports system. These controls are displayed on the left of the
Standard window:

Import: -- The Import function is used to import the state education standard XML file. Click

the Import

button to display the Import Standard window. Next, click the

Browse button; the import file browser will display. Load in the file and then choose the
standard you desire to import from the list in Choose the standard or standards window.
Current import function only supports XML format files.

Export: -- The Export function is used to export the state education standards to XML files.

Click the Export

button to display the Export file browser. Save the exporting

standard to the XML format file you desire.

Add: --The Add function is used to add a standard under an existing parent state education
standard. Select the parent standard by clicking the check box on the right hierarchical

standard chart window. Then click the Add

button; the Standard Setting

window will display. In the window, enter the code into the Code text box and enter the
standard title into the Title text box. Then click the Save and Close button.

Delete: -- The Delete function is used to delete a standard from the hierarchical standard
chart. Select the standard you desire to delete by clicking the check box on the right

hierarchical standard chart window. Then click the Delete

button to delete the

standard. The software will prompt you for confirmation of the deletion.

Save: -- Click the Save

button to save all the standard setting changes. If you

close the Standard window without saving the change, all the standard setting changes will
be lost.

Close: -- Click the Close

button to close the Standard window. The software

will prompt you to save the standard setting changes if there are any changes to the
standard setting.

2.2.10 Question Modes

Refer to section 2.2.8 PowerPoint Question Setup regarding the Question Mode setup item. The
QClick exam system handles 5 question modes: Single Answer, Multiple Answer, Cloze Test,
Short Answer
and Teaching Plan.

Single Answer: -- Multiple choice question with only a single correct answer choice.

Multiple Answer: -- Multiple choice question with the option of more than one correct choice.

Cloze Test: -- Due to its nature and use, this type of question does not lend itself to multiple
choices. The answer could be the numeric numbers of fractions or the decimal numbers or
