Starting the software, Enabling optional features, Initial tsm setup – Storix Software SBAdmin TSM Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 11: Tsm server, Sbadmin management class

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Storix System Backup Administrator


Version 8.2 TSM Edition User Guide

Starting the Software

There are three user-interfaces available for performing SBAdmin operations:


Graphical-User (Xwindows) interface (GUI) - This is the interface described in this user guide.

To access the graphical user interface, also referred as the “

backup administrator

”, type:


from within an xterm window. If you wish to run the application on a display attached to a different host
(perhaps even a PC running an Xwindows emulator), type:

sbadmin –display hostname:0 &

(where hostname is the host name of the remote system). It may also be necessary to provide access to
the application to write to the display by first typing “xhost +” within an xterm window on the remote

When starting the administrator software, the

Main Screen

will appear.


Web-based interface – This interface is accessed through a web browser and is designed to be similar in
use and function to the GUI interface. You must have enabled the web interface when installing the
software on the Administrator System. Refer to the

SBAdmin Web Interface Install Guide

for additional

details on installing, configuring and starting this interface.


Command-line Interface (CLI) – This refers to running commands provided with this software at the shell
prompt. Commands may only be run when logged on as the root user, or another user already configured
using the GUI or Web interface. Various commands may be run on the administrator or client system. Refer
to the

SBAdmin Commands Reference

for details.

Enabling Optional Features

The optional feature,

Backup Data Encryption

, may be enabled after the TSM Edition has been installed. To

enable this feature, select


!Preferences!Software License

from the menu bar on the

Main Screen

. Refer


Software License

in the


section for details on viewing and changing the license options.

Initial TSM Setup

TSM Server

The TSM Server software must be at level 5.2 or later. Refer to the TSM documentation for instructions on
checking and updating the TSM server.

SBAdmin Management Class

Before any backup may be performed to TSM, you must define a new management class on the TSM
server called SBADMIN. All SBAdmin backups will be stored under this management class. The
management class must be defined to disallow versioning of backup objects. The management class must
be created using the TSM Integrated Solutions Console or using the following command within dsmadmc:

DEFINE MGMTCLASS domain_name policy_set SBADMIN
