Restore data from a backup, Selecting the backup to restore from – Storix Software SBAdmin TSM Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 81

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19. Restore Data from a Backup

Data may be restored from a TSM server to any client using the

SBAdmin Interface

. A backup taken from one

client may also be restored to another client, unless, for security reasons, you chose (in the backup profile) not
to allow only the

Original Client (owner) to read the backup in the TSM Backup Read Permission field.

Any type of data contained on a backup may be restored. A

System Backup

, for instance, may contain multiple

volume groups, each of which may contain raw logical volumes and filesystems, each of which may contain
various directories, which each contain multiple files. It is therefore possible to restore one or more files,
directories, logical volumes, filesystems, volume groups, or the entire system from a System Backup!

Restoring data from a System Backup is not the same as reinstalling a client from a
System Backup. This is a different process which is described in detail in the section
Installing from a System Backup

in the

SBAdmin System Recovery Guide


Selecting the Backup to Restore From

To restore data from a backup, perform the following steps:

1. Select


"Restore Data from a Backup

from the menu bar. A window similar to the following will


2. Use the arrow button to select a

Server name. If you want to restore from a backup performed to a

client’s local tape drive, select the “local (client tape)” option at the top of the list. In this case, the
Original Client (owner) field will change to Client Name, and a new field, Device Name will appear.

3. If you selected a TSM Server, use the arrow button to select the

Original Client (owner). All backups

are stored on the server in a TSM filespace specific to each client, so you must know the original client
(node) the backup was created for. In this case, any client that was part of the backup job to be verified
will be sufficient, since we need to list the Backup IDs which that client is part of.

4. If



local (client tape) in the

Server name field, you must select the Client Name and the

Device Name (SBTAPE) from which to read the backup in the fields provided.

5. Press



button next to the

Backup ID field. You will be provided a list of backup jobs on the

server in which the client is included, similar to the following example:

Storix System Backup Administrator


Version 8.2 TSM Edition User Guide
