Getting started – FXpansion BFD Supplemental User Manual

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The following tutorials will get you started with using BFD. These are not comprehensive
tutorials, but rather are intended to provide a brief introduction to using BFD. They do not
cover all functions available in BFD.
Please see the reference manual for a more comprehensive guide to BFD’s features.
In particular, you should familiarize yourself with the interface in chapter 3. Where
appropriate, relevant sections in the reference manual are specified.

i. Assembling a Kit

Loading a Kit

1. After launching BFD, click the Kit Selector button (see ref. manual section 4:1).
2. Click on one of the Kits which are shown in the Kit Selector panel. The Kit will take a few

moments to load, due to the high level of detail in BFD’s library.

3. When the ‘Loading’ indicator to the left of the Context info display has disappeared, the Kit has

successfully loaded and is ready to play.

Customizing your Kit

1. Let’s say you wanted to swap out the snare for a different one. Click on the Snare Selector

button (see ref. manual section 4:2).

2. You’ll see a number of snares displayed. Scroll through the list with the mousewheel or the

scrollbar. [SHIFT]-click on a snare to audition it.

3. Click on a snare to load it. It will replace the currently loaded snare.

Repeat the process for whichever Kit-Pieces you would like to replace.

Tweaking your Kit

Damping (see ref. manual section 6:2)

1. Click the Drum Room display in order to enter the Kit-Piece Inspector.
2. Click the name label on the Mixer for the Kit-Piece to which you would like to apply damping.

3. Increase the Env control.

Layering 2 snares together (see ref. manual section 6:2)

1. Click the Mixer Page 2 button to access Kit-Pieces 10-18 (see ref. manual section 5:1).
2. Click the Snare 2 Selector button.
3. Load a 2nd snare using the Snare 2 Selector panel.
4. Go back to Mixer Page 1 and enter the Kit-Piece Inspector by clicking the Drum Room display.
5. Click the name label for the snare to bring up the snare in the Kit-Piece Inspector.

6. Use the Link to Kit-Piece drop-down menu to select Snare 2.

The principle is the same for layering any Kit-Piece slots in BFD.
