Using bfd in your host – FXpansion BFD Supplemental User Manual

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This chapter deals with using BFD with the most popular hosts and sequencers. Because
of the huge amount of hosts out there, it is impossible to cover everything.
Hosts are often updated with new features, and so the information within this chapter
may become inaccurate. Please consult your host documentation for the latest
information on how it operates.
The different BFD plugin types (

BFD Stereo, BFD Groups, BFD All and BFD Ultra)

are discussed in this chapter. Please see section 10:2 of the Reference manual for more
details on the differences between these plugin versions.

Using BFD in Steinberg Cubase SX

You will see 4 new plugins in your VST plugins menu:

BFD Stereo, BFD Groups, BFD

All and BFD Ultra.
To use BFD, please do the following after launching a Cubase project:

1. Bring up the VST Instruments panel.
2. Click on an instrument slot and choose one of the BFD plugins.
3. Depending on which plugin you choose, you will have a number of channels added

to the mixer.

4. Assign a track on the Project Window to BFD.

Using BFD in Emagic Logic Audio

• Please note that it is not advisable to use BFD Ultra with Logic, as there is a limit of

16 outputs from a plugin. In OSX, BFD Ultra will not be usable inside Logic at all. On
Windows (with Logic 5.51) the BFD Ultra VST plugin can be launched, but is limited to
the first 16 channels. This may be useful in some situations where you might need 6
stereo and 4 mono outputs.

• Please also be aware that, while BFD All works in Logic, outputs 16 and 17 (by default

assigned to cymbals 2 and 3) are merged into one channel, because of the 16 output

1. Bring up the

Audio Environment (the mixer).


Find an unused Audio Instrument channel (or create one if there are none available
- see your Logic documentation if you are unsure of how to do this), click-hold on the
instrument plugin slot (just above the output slot) and select a BFD plugin.

• BFD Stereo can be found in Stereo/AudioUnits/FXpansion (Mac OSX) and

Stereo/VST (Windows).

• Multi-channel versions (

BFD Groups and BFD All) can be found in MultiChannel/

AudioUnits/FXpansion (Mac OSX) and Multi Channel/VST (Windows).


Create a track in Logic’s Arrange window, corresponding to the Audio Instrument
object on which you inserted BFD. You can now play BFD from this track.
