2 free-style menu, Style, Menu – Verykool i285 User Manual

Page 24

background image

the right or the left to switch pages.
If the current page is the first page, the user cannot scroll the page
to the right anymore; if the current page is the last page, the user
cannot scroll the page to the left anymore.
In standby mode, press the horizontal line field, choose numbers
from 1 to 5 in the pop-up interface to switch to the page you want to
enter (Picture 1).

Picture 1


Free-style menu

In standby mode, press the horizontal line field and the mobile will
appear, which shows add on the LSK, and wallpaper settings on
the RSK. Add widgets (Picture 2) or shortcuts (Picture 3) through
LSK, or customize wallpaper settings through RSK.
