Step 3 – calculated flow, Step 4 – measure, Step 5 – adjustments – TeeJet 844-R Speed Compensated Application Control User Manual

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Step 3 – Calculated Flow

Multiply the number of tips to be measured by the size (or individual flow rate) of
each tip.

Example: 10 tips x 0.4 GPM {0.32 Imp GPM} = 4GPM {3.2 Imp GPM}

Step 4 – Measure

Turn the controller on to activate pump. Toggle on the Master Boom Switch and
the number of sections to be measured. Insure that the pressure at the boom is
maintained at 40PSI. While spraying, press and hold the

key in. Look at the

lower right display to see if the measured flow matches the calculated flow.

Step 5 – Adjustments

If the measured flow is higher than the calculated flow, the flow meter calibration
number needs to be decreased.

If the measured flow is lower than the calculated flow, the flow meter calibration
number needs to be increased.

Example: Calculate flow is 4.00 GPM {3.20 Imp GPM};

measured flow is 3.6 GPM {2.88 Imp GPM}

4.0 GPM – 3.6 GPM = 0.4 GPM

= 0.1 x 100 = 10%

3.2 Imp. GPM – 2.88 Imp GPM = 0.32 Imp GPM

= 0.1 x 100 = 10%

Decrease the flow meter calibration number by 10%.
If original number was 650, enter 585 for this programming value.

0.4 GPM

4.00 GPM

0.32 Imp GPM

3.2 Imp GPM
