Add the extension to the component category, Build and register the com server – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

Page 129

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OpenLDV Programmer’s Guide



STDMETHOD(SetOptions)(BSTR options)


return E_NOTIMPL;


// ILdvxLookup Methods


STDMETHOD(DownlinkLookup)(ILdvxSCO * xSCO)


return E_NOTIMPL;


STDMETHOD(UplinkLookup)(ILdvxSCO * xSCO)


return E_NOTIMPL;


STDMETHOD(UpdateLookup)(ILdvxSCO * xSCO)


return E_NOTIMPL;



Add the Extension to the Component Category

To allow the OpenLDV xDriver Profile Wizard (and other xDriver-related tools)

to display your custom lookup extension, you must register the lookup extension

as belonging to the xDriver Lookup Component Category:

1. Add the following lines to your component’s header file (after

END_COM_MAP()in SampleLookupCsv.h):

// COM component category map

// (CATID_LdvxLookup is defined in LdvxTypes.h)



2. Add the following line at the top of your component’s header file:
#include "LdvxTypes.h"
3. Add the directory that contains the LdvxTypes.h header file





\OpenLDV SDK\Include) to your project’s include path

(select Project → ProjectName Properties to open the project’s

properties dialog, expand Configuration Properties, expand C/C++,

select General, then add the path to the Additional Include

Directories field).

Build and Register the COM Server

Select Build → Build SampleLookup to build the SampleLookup part of the

Note: For Windows operating systems that include User Account Control

(Windows 7 or Windows Vista), if you do not run Visual Studio with elevated

permissions (for example, as an Administrator), you will likely see the following

error message during registration:
