Casella CEL CEL-160 User Manual

Page 11

background image

should be changed by using the D key, see

Section 3.1.

Calibration is performed using the

CEL-177 Precision Acoustic Calibrator with the

sensitivity of the amplifier being trimmed to

suit the microphone in use by means of the

SLM gain control. This control should be

adjusted with the screwdriver provided and

rotated clockwise to increase the gain. The

system is then ready for operation as a

completely self contained recording sound

level meter.

The full range of sound level measure-

ments may be undertaken in accordance with

established procedures for precision sound

level meters. By the addition of the CEL-3025

Vibration Attachment the CEL-160 is converted

into a comprehensive recording vibration

meter. Further information is given in Section 5

of this manual whilst full details of the

Vibration Attachment are published separately.


DC Inputs

DC inputs should be connected via the DC

socket and should be in the log DC form that is

provided by most modern designs of sound

level meter. 0 V is taken by the instrument to

represent minimum scale deflection on the

50 dB range. Signals may be in a +ve or -ve

sense, and to accomodate this choice the +/ -

switch should be set accordingly. The

sensitivity of the DC amplifier is then adjusted

by means of the GAIN-CAL control to match

the scale deflection to the input signal

sensitivity. The instrument will accept DC input

signals having a sensitivity in the range 40 -

140 mV/dB range setting, with the nominal

sensitivity of 140 mV/dB occurring in the

GAIN-CAL position.

On the 50 dB dynamic range setting 0 V

will always represent minimum scale

deflection with the full scale value being set by

the GAIN-CAL control. On the 20 dB and 10 dB

dynamic range settings the scale is expanded

from the full scale down giving coverage of

FSD -20 dB and FSD -10 dB respectively, ie on

20 dB and 10 dB dynamic ranges 0 V is always

off scale.

The writing system in the DC mode is

similar to that in the RMS level configuration

(see 5.3) and hence a continuous trace will be

synthesised from the discreet samples.

Signals having a rise time of >5 mS or sources

with a time constant of >10 mS will be

satisfactorily recorded.

Similarly there will be an upper limiting

frequency of 50 Hz, however, the best that can

be satisfactorily resolved at the highest paper

speed is around 20 Hz.

One of the main applications of the DC

input configuration is when it is required to

make level recordings using the Type 1 P

response RMS detector or impulse time

constants found in the CEL-193 Precision

Integrating Sound Level Meter. In such cases

the sound level meter is connected to the

recorder via the cable type CEL-3696 and the

input polarity set to -ve and the input selector

to DC. A CEL-177 Precision Acoustic Calibrator

should be applied to the sound level meter and

this calibrated in the normal manner. The

recorder GAIN-CAL control should then be

adjusted so that the full scale deflection points

of the sound level meter and the recorder

coincide when the later is set to have a 50 dB

dynamic range. It will then be necessary to set

the full scale annotation using the D key to

match the sound level meter range with a

similar adjustment being made each time the

sound level meter range is changed. The main

RANGE (dB) control on the recorder should not

be adjusted as this will also affect the scale

annotations without changing the systems

gain. Should it become necessary to increase

the resolution of the display the dynamic range

switch may be used to give either 20 dB or

10 dB across the complete trace. This

arrangement enables a resolution of up to

0.1 dB to be obtained.

The CEL-175/-187/-245 and -345

instruments have their DC outputs with a +ve

sense and also use the CEL-3696 cable to

connect to the recorder, whilst the CEL-314

Precision Impulse Sound Level Meter has a -ve

signal and requires the CEL-3726/2 cable.

Inputs will also be accepted from certain

Bruel & Kjaer and other makes of sound level

meters but it is necessary to ensure that they

have their DC output in terms of mV/dB as

incorrect scaling will occur for older designs of

meter that have outputs linear in mV.

The CEL-160 will also accept DC inputs

from a wide range of other transducers such

as anemometers, thermometers, gas

detectors etc that have conditioning amplifiers

to provide DC signals at the required levels.

CEL-160 Graphic Recorder - Page 11
