Dataman S4 User Manual

Page 61

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a key down to move quickly through memory. If
you move off the top or bottom of the screen
the display scrolls up or down by one line.
Editing is immediate: once the code is changed,
there is no way of recovering the original. The
ENTER key can be used to change the
ADDRESS without leaving EDIT.

Remote Editing

The remote terminal screen has more columns
than the LCD and will look like this:

00000 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

The ADDRESS is followed by the DATA in
eight memory locations. As usual with terminal
editing the SPACE/BACKSPACE keys move
the cursor through the data. Hex keys 0-9 and
A-F will change the data. The ADDRESS can
be changed by backspacing into the address
field. When the ENTER key is pressed the
ASCII equivalent of the lines is shown at the
end and the next eight bytes presented for

00000 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 BCDEFGHI
00008 00 B1 46 92 8F FF 91 0C

Only ASCII characters 20H to 7EH are sent
through the interface, after the MSB has been
stripped. The others are sent as a point (full
stop), because control characters will be
interpreted by the terminal instead of being
To get out of the edit routine, press the
ESCape key.
