Tools required, Safety first, Mounting the bracket – Energy Speaker Systems indoor / outdoor loudspeaker User Manual

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Tools Required:

A wire stripper

A carpenter's level

Three screws or bolts suitable for the mounting surface

A pencil or pen

* Any other hardware required for safe mounting to the surface selected

The proper screwdriver for your mounting hardware

An electric drill

A drill bit of the right size and type

Safety First!

Only use hardware designed specifically for the surface onto which you are mounting
the speaker. Each "Tempest", with the bracket, weighs 6 1/2 pounds (2.9kg). We
recommend that you consult a professional installer or a building contractor, if you
are not sure of a safe way to mount the speakers.

By placing the speaker to receive less exposure to the elements, you will prolong its
life.This may mean placing "Tempest" in a location giving the best overall compromise
between sound quality, convenience, and exposure. Do not compromise safety.

Mounting the Bracket:

(1) Remove the bracket knobs and the bracket from the speaker.

(2) Hold the bracket up to the mounting surface. "Tempest" can be mounted either

horizontally or vertically. Hold the bracket so that the speaker wire fits through
the large, circular wire hole in the bracket. Align the bracket to be square with
the surroundings (use a level for accuracy).

(3) Mark the locations of the three shaped screw holes. Use all of the holes.

(4) Drill pilot holes into the mounting surface.

(5) Gently pull the speaker wire through the wire hole in the center of the mounting

bracket. Align the bracket so that the holes all line up.

(6) Use your hardware to attach the bracket to the mounting surface.

T e m p e s t

o w n e r s m a n u a l

