Chapter 4 - s-registers – Multi-Tech Systems MT2834MR6 User Manual

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Chapter 4 - S-Registers


Time for Carrier (Abort Timer)
Unit: 1 second
Range: 1–255 (U.S.A.)

1–45 (Canada and International)
1–55 (U.K.)

Default: 45 (North America and International)

55 (U.K.)

S7 determines the abort timer delay time, which is the amount of time your modem will wait
for a carrier signal before it disconnects. The default value is 45 seconds, except the U.K.
model, for which it is 55 seconds. This means that, after dialing, the modem waits for a
carrier signal for up to 45 or 55 seconds and, if none is detected, aborts the call. The


value is 255 seconds for the U.S.A. model, 45 seconds for Canadian and

International models, and 55 seconds for the U.K. model.


Pause Time for Comma
Unit: 1 second
Range: 0–255 (North America)

4–255 (International)
4–7 (U.K.)

Default: 2 (North America)

4 (International and U.K.)


determines the length of the pause caused by a comma in a dialing command. The

default setting is two seconds for the North American model, and four seconds for the
International and U.K. models.


may be set for up to 255 seconds.


also defines the

length of time the modem waits before retrying a call after it detects a busy signal. Some
computer systems need more than two seconds to reset, in which case you should increase
the value of




Carrier Detect Response Time
Unit: 100 ms
Range: 1–255
Default: 6


determines the time delay between when the modem first detects a valid incoming

carrier signal and when the modem turns on its Carrier Detect circuit. The default setting is
600 milliseconds (six units of 100 ms each).


may be set for up to 25.5 seconds.


Carrier Loss Disconnect Delay Time
Unit: 100 ms
Range: 1–254, 255
Default: 7


defines the length of time after a loss of carrier signal before the modem disconnects.

The default setting is 700 ms (seven units of 100 ms each). Maximum delay is 25.4 seconds
(decimal 254). Setting the


value to 255 causes the modem not to disconnect with loss

of carrier.
