Intel IM-Q35 Series User Manual

Page 50

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BIOS Setup

Suspen d mode

This item specifies the power saving modes for ACPI function. If your
operating system supports ACPI, you can choose to enter the Standby
mode in S1 (POS) or S3 (STR) fashion through the setting of this field.
Options are:

[S1 (POS)]

The S1 sleep mode is a low power state. In this state,
no system context is lost (CPU or chipset) and hard-
ware maintains all system context.

[S3 (STR)]

The S3 sleep mode is a lower power state where the
information of system configuration and open appli-
cations/files is saved to main memory that remains
powered while most other hardware components turn
off to save energy. The information stored in memory
will be used to restore the system when a

“wake up”

event occurs.

USB Device Wakeup from S3/S4

This setting allows the activity of the USB device to wake up the system
from S3/S4 sleep state.

ACPI Versi on Features


This setting allows you to select the ACPI version.

APM Configuration

Resume On PME#

When setting to [Enabled], this setting allows your system to be awakened
from the power saving modes through any event on PME (Power
Management Event).

Resume On RTC Alarm

When [Enabled], your can set the date and time at which the RTC (real-time
clock) alarm awakens the system from suspend mode.

Restore On AC Power Loss

This item specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or
interrupt occurs. Settings are:

[Power Off]

Always leaves the computer in the power off state.

[Power On]

Always leaves the computer in the power on state.

[Last State]

Restores the system to the status before power failure
or interrupt occurred.

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