Operations using the remote rm-u307a, Before you use your remote, Remote button description – Sony STR-DE697 User Manual

Page 43: Op er ati ons u s ing the r e mo te r m -u 307 a, Inserting batteries into the remote

Operations using the remote rm-u307a, Before you use your remote, Remote button description | Op er ati ons u s ing the r e mo te r m -u 307 a, Inserting batteries into the remote | Sony STR-DE697 User Manual | Page 43 / 56 Operations using the remote rm-u307a, Before you use your remote, Remote button description | Op er ati ons u s ing the r e mo te r m -u 307 a, Inserting batteries into the remote | Sony STR-DE697 User Manual | Page 43 / 56