Logic 3 V5.00 User Manual
3x logic inc
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- 2 System Requirements
- 3 Software Features
- 4 Installation
- 1 Operation
- 1.1 Main Toolbar
- 1.2 Live Viewer Window
- 1.2.1 Changing Live Viewer Camera Layout
- 1.2.3 Restore Original Display Layout
- 1.2.4 Enabling/Disabling Captions
- 1.2.5 Expanding Screen Size in Single View Mode
- 1.2.6 Hardware Rendered Mode Buttons
- 1.2.7 Camera Quick Access
- 1.2.8 Alarms and Relays
- 1.2.9 Media Drive Information
- 1.2.10 PTZ Camera Controls
- 1.3 Searching and Playing Back Recorded Video
- 1.3.1 Searching for Video Footage
- 1.3.2 Using the POS Data Filter
- 1.3.3 Video Search Results
- 1.3.4 Creating and Running a Custom Search
- 1.3.5 Video Playback
- 1.3.6 Synchronized Multi-Screen Playback
- 1.3.7 Using the Smart Search
- 1.3.8 Zooming During Playback
- 1.3.9 Adjusting the Image
- 1.3.10 Using Markers to Create a Sub-Range
- 1.3.12 Frame De-Interlacing
- 1.3.13 Authenticating Recorded Video
- 1.3.14 Printing, Saving, or Copying POS Data
- 1.3.15 On-Screen POS Data Display
- 1.4 Exporting/Saving Video Footage
- 1.5 Tools
- 1.6 Chat
- 1.7 Audio Recorder Controls
- 1.8 Video Recorder Controls
- 2 Settings
- 2.1 Camera Setup Tab
- 2.2 DVR Settings Tab
- 2.3 Media Drives Tab
- 2.4 COM Ports Tab
- 2.5 User and Group Management Tab
- 2.6 Relays/Alarms Tab
- 2.7 Data Tab
- 2.8 Audio Tab
- 3 Registering
- 4 Authentication
- 5 Software Updates
- 6 Language Switcher
- 7 DVR System Database Utility
- 8 Settings Utility
- 9 PELCO PTZ Wiring Details
- 10 TVS Interface POS Wiring Details
- 1 Supported Network Cameras
- 1 Troubleshooting
- 2 Contact Information