4 the command-type root commands - xcommand, 1 command help – TANDBERG MPS API Interface D13639 User Manual

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User Guide


2.4 The Command-type root
commands - xcommand

To get an overview of the supported commands within a command-type root command, type ?
or help after the command-type root command.

<command-type root command> ?

Example 2.10

xcommand ?

- User Commands -
Boot DuoVideoStart MessageBoxDisplay
CallAccept DuoVideoStop PIPHide
CallMute FECCFocus PIPShow
CameraBrightness FECCMove PresetActivate
CameraFocus FECCPresetActivate PresetStore
CameraHalt FECCPresetStore ScreensaverActivate
CameraMove FECCRequestStill ScreensaverDeactivate
CameraPosition FECCSelectSource ScreensaverReset
CameraTrackingStart FeedbackDeregister SiteDisconnect
CameraTrackingStop FeedbackRegister SiteView
CameraWhiteBalance FloorRelease SiteViewEnd
ChairRelease FloorRequest SPIDAutoConfigure
ChairTake FloorToSite StillImageSend
ConferenceDisconnect FloorToSiteEnd StreamingStart
DefaultValuesSet GroupEntryAdd StreamingStop
Dial GroupEntryDelete TextDelete
DialGlobalEntry LocalEntryAdd TextDisplay
DialGroupEntry LocalEntryDelete VirtualMonitorReset
DialLocalEntry MessageBoxDelete VirtualMonitorSet


To list usage for all commands with parameters, type a double question mark after the
command-type root command.

<command root command> ??

Example 2.11
xcommand ??

2.4.1 Command help

To get help on a specific command, type the command-type root command – then a command
name followed by ? or help:

<command-type root command> <command name> ?
