Charging from alternative energy sources – Xantrex Technology PROwatt 600 User Manual

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Charging From Alternative Energy Sources


Charging From Alternative Energy Sources

Your batteries can also be recharged from alternative energy
sources such as solar panels, wind, or hydro systems. Make
sure you use the appropriate battery charge controller for
your particular energy source.


N ev e r o p era te th e P R O w a tt 6 0 0 In v e rte r d irec tly fro m
an en e rg y so u rc e su c h a s a so lar p an e l. T h e P R O w a tt
m u st b e co n n ec te d to a b a ttery o r a w e ll-re g u late d , h ig h -
cu rren t D C p o w er su p p ly to w o rk p ro p erly.
