M-AUDIO EQMan User Manual

Page 20

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Configuring Windows Applications to Use EQMan

Once the Windows drivers for the EQMan have been installed, you will
need to configure your MIDI applications to take advantage of the
EQMan Windows drivers.

NOTE: The supplied Remote Control and Volume applications
automatically detect the presence of the drivers and do not to be
specially configured for operation.

The manner in which each application is configured for MIDI is unique
to that application, so it is impossible to go over all possible scenarios
here. However, most Windows MIDI applications have a configuration
or settings dialog box (sometimes called “MIDI Devices” or “MIDI
Setup”) that specifies the MIDI input and output ports the program will
be communicating with. If your EQMan drivers are properly installed,
you should see the “Midiman EQMan Input” listed as a possible MIDI
input driver, and “Midiman EQMan Control” listed as a possible output
driver. You may or may not need to select both drivers. The “Midiman
EQMan Control” output driver is used to select EQ programs and
modify EQ settings via MIDI. It is most commonly used. On the
other hand, the “Midiman EQMan Input” driver is used to receive MIDI
system exclusive information from the EQMan. If you do not plan to
dump the EQ settings into your sequencer, you will not need to select
this driver.

MIDI Control of EQMan

Each adjustable parameter of the EQMan is controllable via MIDI
messages. These messages must be sent to the EQMan software driver
and must be on the proper MIDI channel for the EQMan to recognize
them. These MIDI messages take the form of common short messages
and also longer system exclusive messages. The following sections
give a general description of the types of messages implemented by the
EQMan. For a specific description of the message formats, please see
the appendix on MIDI Implementation.

Program Change Messages

The easiest MIDI command to send the EQMan is a Program Change
message. Program Change messages select a program, in the range 0
through 16, from EQMan Rom. When the message is received and
decoded by the EQMan driver, the selected Rom program is set on the
EQ bands and also the volume controls.

NOTE: MIDI Program Change messages select EQ/volume
programs defined in EQMan Rom. These are the same Rom
programs that you set up using the EQMan Remote Control Software.
