M-AUDIO EQMan User Manual

Page 25

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If you are having problems using your EQMan it is probably a good
idea to reread this manual and make sure you have properly installed the
card. If you can't find the source of your difficulty check the following
typical fixes:

SYMPTOM: The computer won't boot with the card in.
Everything is fine without the card. (This may include strange
error messages.)
Run through the INSTALL procedure given above and
make sure the card is recognized at the ADDRESS selected. You may
have the card set at an address that conflicts with another installed card --
in that case, change the address setting of one of the cards.

SYMPTOM: My computer can't find the card when I run my
sequencer program.
You probably don’t have the Windows driver properly
installed or installed at all. Follow the instructions in this manual for
Windows Driver Installation.

SYMPTOM: The card works fine with some of my programs but
doesn't work with others.
It is likely you don't have the EQMan driver installed
properly to talk to your application. Check the set-up part of your MIDI
application and make sure the EQMan driver is installed. Next, make
sure that the driver is also set to the ADDRESS that matches the jumper
settings on the EQMan card.

SYMPTOM: No Audio outputs.
Inputs and Outputs are reversed or not plugged in. Check
the cables to and from the unit. “Main In” is the topmost connector,
“Main Out” the middle, and “Aux In” is the bottom connector. The
jacks are clearly labeled on the flange of the board. Also be sure that the
EQMan volume controls are not set to 0 or muted in software.

SYMPTOM: Audio is present but neither EQ nor Volume settings
seem to affect the sound in any way.
Incorrect Base Address selection in the Windows Driver or
driver not installed. Open the driver setup and set the port address to
match the address set on the EQMan hardware address jumpers.
SOLUTION: Hardware Speed may need adjusting in the Windows
Driver. Do so from the Advanced Setup in the Windows Driver.

SYMPTOM: Audio is present, Volume control affects the sound,
but not the EQ controls.
You may be using Aux In instead of Main In. Aux In
bypasses the EQ section of the board and is only controlled by the
volume control.
