Net Optics iBypass HD User Manual

Page 28

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iBypass HD

Net Optics> config show

Error: file name must be specified.

config del file=<name> - delete configuration file

config list - list configuration files

config load file=factory|<name> - load configuration file

config save file=<name> - save configuration file

config show file=running|factory|<name> - show configuration

Net Optics> config list

Configuration Files




Net Optics> help ping

ping <ipaddr> - ping specified IP address

Net Optics> sysip show

Active System IP Address


IP addr:

IP mask:


Net Optics> history

1: config show

2: config list

3: help ping

4: sysip show

Net Optics> !3 # executes command 3 from the history list

Net Optics> help ping

ping <ipaddr> - ping specified IP address

Net Optics>

Figure 14: CLI command history buffer

Understand the Commit Commands
Many operations in the iBypass HD follow a two-step process of first creating the changes you want, and then

activating them with some form of a commit command. Changes that have not activated are called pending changes.

The commit command is a global commit for all pending changes except for sysip changes. When changes are

committed with the gloal commit command, they become active in the iBypass HD and they become persistent,

meaning that the changes stay in effect even if the iBypass HD is restarted or power-cycled.

Several commands have commit subcommands that apply only to changes made with that command. These commands

are heartbeat, module, segment, server and sysip. For example, heartbeat commit commits only changes made with

the heartbeat set command. Changes committed with heartbeat commit, module commit, and segment commit are

not persistent; when the system is restarted, the old settings are reloaded. Changes committed with server commit and

sysip commit are persistent, the same as if they had been committed with the global commit command.

The following table lists all of the settings that use the pending/commit process, and tells you which commit

commands effect them.
