Restoring the ssg configuration – Avaya R3.0 User Manual

Page 36

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SSG Configuration Backup and Restore

36 Secure Services Gateway (SSG) Maintenance Guide

Restoring the SSG configuration

To restore the SSG configuration:

1. Log onto the machine as the avadmin user

2. Copy the backup file to the home directory of avadmin.

3. Stop the SSG software by entering the following command: stop

4. Unzip the backup file to a temporary directory. For example:

a. mkdir tempdir

b. cd tempdir

c. tar zfx ~/SSG-<Product Id>-<Date-Time>.tgz

5. Remove the current contents of the SSG Data directory by entering the following command:

rm -fr ~/SSG/Data/*

6. Move the backup data to the SSG Data directory:

mv Backup/* ~/SSG/Data

a. To restore the database, you must do the following steps. Type:

cd ~/SSG/Data/db

b. Type:

gunzip dbdump-2004-05-07.tgz



The date in the example above should be changed based on the date the backup
was performed.

- This command will expand the file to the filename dbdump-2004-05-07.tar

c. Type:

sudo /etc/init.d/avdb start

d. Type:

pg_restore -v -p 6543 -d avssgdb -a -Ft --no-owner <dbdumpfile_name>.tar



The restore can take several minutes to complete. Large restores can take
several hours.

7. Restart the SSG software to load the backed up configuration. Type the following command: start
