Viewing data collection task status, Related topics – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

Page 237

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Verify the task status and details by performing the following actions:

• When a task status is Failed, click the link to view the reason. You can correct the problem

and submit the task again. Click Delete Tasks to delete the task that failed.

• When a task does not complete, it might be that the task list contained more than the maximum

number of tasks allowed (384). To resolve this problem, click More Actions > Enable Auto
Delete. When Enable Auto Delete is set, tasks are automatically deleted after they successfully
complete and exceed the maximum allowed number.


XP7 Command View AE can manage many storage systems. Therefore you can manage up
to 100,000 tasks before the oldest tasks start getting deleted. Because system tasks are created
for XP7 storage only, the system task list will display 384 tasks, including up to 128 tasks
with a status of In Progress, Waiting, or Suspended, and up to 256 tasks with a status of
Completed or Failed. Enable Auto Delete is recommended.

• When a task does not complete, it can be that the storage system configuration changed. To

diagnose this, check whether the Resource Lock is displayed for a long time. If so, this can
indicate that another program is still running. Wait until that program finishes and submit the
task again.

• When the percentage of progress for an ongoing task is slow to indicate a change, it can

be that another task operation is in progress. Continue to check on the status of the task until
it completes.

Related topics

About tasks

, page 229

Managing system tasks

, page 235

Viewing system task status

, page 235

Viewing data collection task status

Viewing the status of data collection tasks allows you to see if the task has completed, as well as other


On the Administration tab, select Managed Resources.


On the Data Collection Tasks tab, view the Status column to determine if a task has completed.


To view task details, on the Data Collection Tasks tab, click the task Status link to review the Data
Collection Task Detail dialog box. If a task has failed, look for a diagnostic message in the
Message field.


If you see Update Database tasks, these are the result of System tasks being submitted. For
example, if a System task is run to delete LDEVs, an Update Database sub-task to update
the XP7 Command View AE database is also run and is recorded under
Data Collection Tasks.

User Guide

