Installing firmware through a web browser – HP Lights-Out 100 Remote Management User Manual

Page 15

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To update the firmware, log in to LO100 as the administrator through the CLP interface, and
issue the load command to upload and install the firmware from the map1/firmware directory.


Start a CLP session. To access CLP:

Navigate to Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt.


At the command prompt, enter telnet <IP address>.


At the CLP prompt, enter cd map1/firmware.


At the CLP prompt, enter

load -source <URI> -oemhpfiletype csr


<URI> is the //<tftpserver IP>/<filename> to be downloaded.

<tftp server IP> is the URL or IP address of the TFTP server containing the firmware.

<filename> is the file name of the image file (LdrImage.bin in this example).

For example, enter:

load -source // -oemhpfiletype csr

Alternatively, you can also install the firmware through a browser. For more information,
see "Installing firmware through a web browser".

The TFTP application might report an error in the early part of the firmware upload process,
during the firmware image validation process. An error does not necessarily indicate failure
of the firmware upload and does not prevent successful firmware uploads. A successful
firmware upload typically takes several minutes. After the firmware upgrade process is
complete, verify that the new version of the firmware is active.

If the firmware upgrade process fails after sufficient time (at least 5 minutes), reboot the
server, and verify that the previous version of the firmware is still active. Always reboot the
server before retrying the firmware upgrade process.

Do not reset the system or the BMC during download; the server may become corrupt.

After installing the firmware, the IP address of the server might reset to the default value.
You must locally reset the IP address to the desired address.


After using the load command LO100 will reset ending your CLP interface session.

You must reconnect to the CLP interface.


When you use the CLP load command with TFTPD32, HP recommends using a

4-second timeout and 10 retries.

Reset the system after the download is complete to load the SDRR and CFGs so that LO100
can recognize the individual server platform and not a "ProLiant Generic G6."

Installing firmware through a web browser

The Firmware Download page enables you to install new firmware images. To install firmware
through the browser:


Log in to LO100 as an administrator.


On the browser main menu recognition box, click Firmware Download.


In the TFTP server IP address field, enter the IP address of the TFTP server.


Enter the file name of the firmware image in the File Name field. Include the path relative
to the TFTP server root in the file name.


If you are using Linux to install the firmware:

Place the image file in the /tftpboot folder, which is in the TFTP servers root directory.


Enter the file name of the firmware image in the Firmware File name field. Include the
path to the TFTP server root in the file name.

Updating the firmware

