Settings available on the camera, Auto fp high-speed sync mode, Flash exposure value lock (fv lock) – Phottix Mitros for Nikon User Manual

Page 10: Exposure compensation, Slow flash sync, Rear curtain sync / second curtain sync, Built-in camera af-assist light, Choose the fx/dx

background image




Settings Available on the Camera

Several functions are available when the Phottix Mitros is mounted on a camera

equipped with these functions. These functions need to be set in the camera

menus and cannot be set on the Phottix Mitros. (see your Camera User Manual

for details)

Auto FP High-Speed Sync Mode

In Auto FP High Speed Sync mode, the camera’s x-sync speed (usually 1/200 to

1/250) is overridden and faster shutter speeds, up to the camera’s maximum

shutter speed, can be used. This is useful when using aperture priority mode or

to limit ambient light. Maximum shutter speeds may vary with different camera

models - see your Camera’s User Manual for details.
The HSS icon will be displayed on the flash LCD when the shutter speed exceeds

the camera x-sync speed and Auto FP High-Speed Sync Mode is being used. The

flash will set itself to Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode if this function is enabled

on the camera body - see your Camera’s User Manual for details.
Auto FP High-Speed Sync can be used in wireless flash mode.

Please note:

- Auto FP HSS can drastically reduce flash power, battery power and range.

Flash Exposure Value Lock (FV lock)

Flash Exposure Value Lock (FV Lock) is used to lock the flash exposure level be-

fore a photo is taken. This is useful when manual spot metering is being used in

a scene with different lighting conditions.
The flash will fire a pre-flash when the FV lock button is pressed, which will be

used to calculate flash power during the exposure. This value will be saved in
the camera’s internal memory. This “

” icon will be displayed in the view-

finder of the camera when FV Lock is being used.

Red-Eye Reduction / Red-eye Reduction Fast \

Slow Flash Sync

The flash will fire 3 times at a reduced output immediately before a photo is

taken in order to prevent the red-eye effect. Red-Eye Reduction with the Slow

Flash Sync function can be combined.
The use of a tripod is strongly recommended to prevent camera shake as slower

shutter speeds are generally used in this mode.

Exposure Compensation

By changing the camera’s exposure compensation value while using TTL flash

mode, the exposure on both the subject and the background can be adjusted

brighter or darker. In shooting situations with light background the compensa-

tion will need to be increased. With a darker background the compensation will

need to be reduced.

Slow Flash Sync

When both the subject and background are in a low-light environment, this fea-

ture can be useful to control the flash at slow shutter speeds further to achieve

the correct exposure.
The use of a tripod is strongly recommended to prevent camera shake as slower

shutter speeds are usually used in this mode.

Rear Curtain Sync / Second Curtain Sync

The Rear Curtain Sync (Second Curtain Sync) function causes the flash fire at the

end of an exposure, not at the beginning. This can be useful with slow shutter

speeds for capturing special effects.

Built-in Camera AF-assist Light

1. The Mitros flash’s AF-assist light will take priority over a built-in camera AF As-

sist Light. The camera’s AF-assist light will not function when the Phottix Mitros

is on the camera.
2. To use the camera’s AF-assist illuminator disable the flash’s AF-assist light (see

below C.Fn 08).

Choose the FX/DX

The Phottix Mitros can automatically selects the applicable flash illumination

pattern according to the camera’s image area settings when the flash is at-

tached to a camera that features both FX format (36 × 24) and DX format (24 ×

16) . For more information, see your Camera’s User Manual.
FX / DX Flash Zoom range can be manual set in the Mitros Custom Functions

(see C.Fn 09 below) to meet different shooting needs.
