Section 4. control objects, Common interfaces, Ole interfaces – MagTek OMTD 99875144 User Manual

Page 19: Event methods

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This section defines the interfaces, properties, and methods exposed or used by the OMTD
control objects. In the tables that follow, in the “Access” column, “R” indicates that the property
is Read Only, “R/W” indicates that the property can be modified.


The following sections describe the interfaces, methods, and properties that are common to all
OMTD control objects.

OLE Interfaces

Each OMTD control object implements the following standard OLE interfaces: IUnknown,
IClassFactory, IDispatch, IViewObjectEx, IViewObject2, IViewObject,
IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless, IOleInPlaceObject, IOleWindow, IOleInPlaceActiveObject,
IOleControl, IOleObject, IPersistStreamInit, IPersist, IConnectionPointContainer,
ISpecifyPropertyPages, IQuickActivate, IPersistStorage, IDataObject, IProvideClassInfo, and
IProvideClassInfo2. See the OLE documentation for detailed descriptions of these interfaces.
(See Section 1, Reference Documents, numbers 2, 3, and 4.)

Event Methods

The following event methods are implemented by the containing application via its IDispatch
interface. These event methods are also implemented by the CO to receive event notifications
from the SO except they are preceded with SO and do not have Event in their name (e.g.,
DataEvent = SOData)

void DataEvent (LONG Status)

Fired to present input data from the device to the application. The actual input data is placed in
one or more device-specific properties.

The Status parameter contains the input status. Its value is device class-dependent, and may
describe the type or qualities of the input.

void DirectIOEvent (LONG EventNumber, LONG *pData, BSTR *pString)

Fired by a Service Object to communicate directly with the application. This event provides a
means for a Service Object to provide events to the application that are not otherwise supported
by the Control Object.
