Pinpad methods, Line display device class – MagTek OMTD 99875144 User Manual

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Section 4. Control Objects


PINPad Methods

BeginEFTTransaction(BSTR PINPadSystem, LONG TransactionHost)

This method must be called by the application to inform the PINPad Control of the beginning of
an EFT Transaction. The PINPad Control will perform initialization functions (such as
computing session keys). No other PINPad functions can be performed until this method is
called. Set the PINPadSystem to “MDK” or “DUKPT”.

EndEFTTransaction ()

This method must be called by the application to inform the PINPad Control of the end of an
EFT Transaction.

EnablePINEntry ()

This method is called by the application to enable PIN Entry at the PINPad device.
When the user has completed the PIN entry operation (either by entering their PIN or by hitting
Cancel), a DataEvent event will be fired to provide the encrypted PIN to the application.

ComputeMAC(BSTR InMsg, BSTR* pOutMsg)

This method is called by the application to have the PINPad compute a MAC value and append it
to the designated message. Depending on the selected PINPad Management System, the PINPad
may also insert other fields into the message. Note that the ComputeMAC method cannot be
used while PINPad input (PIN Entry) is enabled.

VerifyMAC(BSTR Message)

This method is called by the application to have the PINPad verify the MAC value in a message
received from an EFT Transaction Host.

UpdateKey(LONG KeyNum, BSTR Key)

This method is used to provide a new encryption key to the PINPad. It is used only for those
PINPad Management Systems in which new key values are sent to the terminal as a field in
standard messages from the EFT Transaction Host.


The following sections describe those properties and methods that are specific to the Line
Display LDSP device class.
