Cobranet™ ev-2 – Cirrus Logic EV2 User Manual

Page 40

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Rev. 2.1


CobraNet™ EV-2

There are a number of commands that control the state of the EV-2 board. Some of these commands should
prove useful to the user when evaluating the CM. These commands are:

Route <input> <output>

<input> is the audio source on the EV-2 board, valid sources are:

ssi0 – ssi port 0 from the CM.
ssi1 – ssi port 1 from the CM.
ssi2 – ssi port 2 from the CM.
ssi3 – ssi port 3 from the CM.
adc1 – digital audio output #1 from the Cirrus Logic ADC
adc2 – this is the same as adc1.
aes – digital audio output from the Cirrus Logic AES I/O IC.
sine – a sinewave generated on the EV-2 board. This makes a useful test tone.
mute – sets the digital audio stream to all zeros.

<output> is the audio sink on the EV-2 board, valid outputs are:

ssi0 – ssi port 0 to the CM.
ssi1 – ssi port 1 to the CM.
ssi2 – ssi port 2 to the CM.
ssi3 – ssi port 3 to the CM.
dac – digital audio input to the Cirrus Logic DAC.
aes – digital audio input from the Cirrus Logic AES I/O IC.


Route ssi0 dac

This will route the CM SSI stream #0 to the DAC.

Route sine aes

This will route a sinewave out to the AES output.

Please note that the route command only applies to audio on and from the perspective of the EV-2 board
and not between Cobranet devices.

Led <color> <operation>

This command controls the state of the three LEDs on the EV-2 board. They may be used for
development and debugging if so desired.

<color> = red, yellow, green, all. ‘all’ will perform the <operation> on all three LEDs.
<operation> =

on: turn led on
off: turn led off
blink+: blink LED, rate is about 2.2Hz
blink-: turn blink mode off
toggle: change the state of the LED.

Note: blink mode is independent of the LED state. When blink mode is turned off the state will be
returned to the state that the LED was in prior to turning the blink mode on. ‘Off’, ‘On’, and ‘Tog-
gle’ have no effect while blink mode is on but will execute while in blink mode, i.e. when blink
mode is turned off the LED will assume the state of the last command.
