MSI MS-96D7 User Manual

Page 40

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BIOS Setup


BIOS Setup




Any selecton except Dsabled determnes the number of sectors trans-

ferred per block

[PIO Mode]

Indcates the type of PIO (Programmed Input/Output)

[DMA Mode]

Indcates the type of Ultra DMA


Ths allows you to actvate the S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Montorng Analyss &

Reportng Technology) capablty for the hard dsks. S.M.A.R.T s a utl-

ty that montors your dsk status to predct hard dsk falure. Ths gves

you an opportunty to move data from a hard dsk that s gong to fal to

a safe place before the hard disk becomes offline.

[32 Bt Data Transfer]

Enables 32-bt communcaton between CPU and IDE controller

Super IO Configuration

Chassis Intrusion

The field enables or disables the feature of recording the chassis intrusion

status and ssung a warnng message f the chasss s once opened. To clear

the warning message, set the field to [Reset]. The setting of the field will auto-

matcally return to the default value later.

Serial Port 1 Address, Serial Port 2 Address

Select an address and a correspondng nterrupt for the seral port 1/2.
