Behringer 32-Channel User Manual

Page 22

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X32 DIGITAL MIXER Preliminary User Manual

When Layer 1 is selected, the far left encoder push button allows you to select

between virtual front and rear outputs. Rear is suitable for drums due to it being

less reflective. Front is well-suited for vocals and other dynamic instruments.

The Vintage button enables the simulation of the input transformers.

Stereo/Dual Tube Stage/Overdrive

Tube Stage/Overdrive is a versatile effect capable of emulating a variety of

modern and classic tube preamps. Available in stereo and dual-mono versions,

use Tube Stage/Overdrive to dial in warm and fuzzy sounds from subtle to

fully saturated.
DRIVE adjusts the amount of harmonics being driven by the effect. EVEN and ODD

adjust the amount of even and odd harmonics. GAIN adjusts the output gain of

the effect. LO CUT sets the input frequency below which the source signal will not

pass through the effect. HI CUT sets the input frequency above which the input

signal will not pass through the effect. BASS GAIN/FREQ adjust a low shelving

filter at the output of the effect. TREBLE GAIN/FREQ adjust a high shelving filter at

the output of the effect.

Stereo Imager

A Stereo Imager is typically used to control the placement of a signal within the

stereo field during mixdown or mastering. Modeled after the BEHRINGER Edison

rack unit, X32’s Stereo Imager will lend a professional quality to your live and

recording performances.
The BALANCE knob allows you to emphasize the mono or stereo components

of the input signal. The mono and stereo signals can be panned independently

with the MONO PAN and STEREO PAN knobs. OUT GAIN is used to compensate for

level changes resulting from the effect. The phase can also be shifted using the

shelving knobs. Select the frequency and bandwidth (Q) using the corresponding

knobs, then adjust the gain with the SHV GAIN knob.

Rotary Speaker

Rotary Speaker emulates the sound of a Leslie rotating speaker. X32’s Rotary

Speaker provides more flexibility than its electro-mechanical counterpart,

and can be used with a variety of instruments, and even vocals, to create a

whirling, psychedelic effect.
The LO SPEED and HI SPEED knobs adjust the rotational speed of the

SLOW and FAST Speed selection, and can be toggled with the FAST button.

The ACCEL(eration) knob adjusts how quickly the speed increases and decreases

from the Slow mode to the Fast mode. The rotation effect can also be disengaged

with the STOP button, which will stop the movement of the speakers.
DISTANCE adjusts the distance between the Rotary speakers and the

virtual microphone. 

Chorus / Stereo Chorus

Chorus samples the input, slightly detunes it and mixes it with the original

signal to produce a somewhat thicker, shimmering sound. Use it to thicken up

background vocals, or to double the sound of brass and woodwind instruments.
Where as DELAY L/R set the total amount of delay for the left and right channel,

WIDTH determines the amount of modulated delay. SPEED sets the modulation

speed. MIX adjusts the balance of the dry and wet signals. You can further sculpt

the sound by trimming some of the low and high end from the effected signal

with the LO and HI CUT knobs. Additionally, the PHASE knob can tweak the

phase offset of the LFO between left and right channel and the SPREAD knob

adjusts how much of the left channel is mixed into the right and vice versa.

Finally, the WAVE knob blends between the “Danish-style” digital triangular

chorus sound and the classic analog sine wave.

Flanger / Stereo Flanger

The Flanger emulates the phase-shifting sound (comb-filtering)

originally created by applying pressure against the flange of the reel on a tape

recorder. This effect creates a unique “wobbly” sound that is quite dramatic when

used on vocals and instruments.
The controls of this effect are nearly identical to the Chorus effect block.

Additionally, the FEEDBACK can be adjusted with positive and negative amounts

and also band-limited with the FEED HC (high-cut) and FEED LC (low-cut) knobs.

Stereo Phaser

A Stereo Phaser, or phase shifter, applies multiple STAGES of modulated filters to

the input signal to create a “notch” in the frequency response, and then applies

a MIX with the original for a “swirling” effect. Use X32’s Stereo Phaser to add a

“spaced-out” sound to vocal or instrument tracks.
SPEED adjusts the LFO rate and DEPTH sets the LFO modulation depth.
The BASE knob adjusts the frequency range of the modulated filters.

The resonance is adjusted with the RESO knob. The WAVE knob shapes the

symmetry of the LFO waveform and PHASE dials in an LFO phase difference

between the left and right channel. The modulation source can also be the signal

envelope, which produces vowel-like opening and closing tones. The ENV MOD

knob adjusts how much this effect takes place (positive and negative modulation

is possible), and the ATTACK, HOLD and RELEASE knobs all tailor the response of

this feature.
