Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 154

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pan, pan position The placement of mono audio signals in the stereo field, by setting
different levels on both sides.

Parameter box Field on the left side of Logic’s windows used to adjust the parameters
of the selected Regions or Objects.

peak 1) The highest level in an audio signal 2) portions of a digital audio signal that
exceed 0 dB, resulting in clipping. You can use Logic’s level meter facilities to locate
peaks and remove or avoid clipping. The Search Peak command in the Sample Editor’s
Functions menu searches for the sample bit with the greatest amplitude value in the
currently selected Audio Region.

pink noise A harmonic noise type that contains more energy in the lower frequency

pitch The perceived highness or lowness of a musical sound. Corresponds to the
frequency of the sound wave.

pitch bend message MIDI message transmitted by a keyboard’s pitch bend wheel.

playback Playing an Audio or MIDI Region or an entire arrangement, allowing you to
hear it.

plug-in Software application that enhances the functionality of the main program (in
this case, Logic). Logic’s plug-ins are typically software instruments or effects.

Plug-in window A window that launches when a plug-in is inserted, or the Insert/
Instrument slot is double-clicked. Allows you to interact with the plug-in parameters.

post fader Sends in analog mixers are positioned either before (pre) or after (post) the
fader. Post fader means positioned after the fader in the signal flow, with the level of a
signal going to the Send changing along with the fader movements.

pre fader Sends in analog mixers are positioned either before (pre) or after (post) the
fader. Pre fader means positioned before the fader in the signal flow, so the level of a
signal routed pre fader to a Send remains constant, regardless of any fader movements.

Preferences window A window that is accessed via the Logic > Preferences menu. All
Logic preferences can be set in this window.

preset Set of plug-in parameter values that can be loaded, saved, copied, or pasted via
the Settings menu in the Plug-In window header. See setting and Settings menu.

pressure See aftertouch

project In Logic, the top-level folder that holds all media associated with a song,
including audio files, Sampler Instruments and samples, Video and Settings of various
