Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 155

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PWM Pulse Width Modulation. Synthesizers often feature this facility, where a square
waveform is deformed by adjusting it’s pulse width. A square waveform usually sounds
hollow, and woody, whereas a pulse width modulated square wave sounds more reedy
and nasal.

Q factor A term generally associated with equalizers. The Q factor is the “quality” factor
of the equalization, and is used to select a narrower or broader frequency range within
the overall sonic spectrum of the incoming signal.

quantization Time-correction of note positions by moving them to the nearest point
on a selectable grid. When quantization is applied to any selected event or Region,
Logic will move all note events non-destructively to align perfectly with the nearest
grid position.

RAM Abbreviation for random-access memory. A computer’s memory capacity,
measured in megabytes (MB), which determines the amount of data the computer can
process and temporarily store at any given moment.

real-time effects Effects that can be applied to Regions in real time, without requiring
rendering before playback. Real-time effects can be played back with any Macintosh
computer qualified to run Logic.

ReCycle ReCycle is the name of an application from software manufacturer
Propellerheads, which mainly serves as an editing and production tool for loops
(repeatedly looped audio samples). ReCycle uses specific file formats (.REX) which can
be imported by Logic.

Region Regions can be found in the tracks of the Arrange window: They are
rectangular beams that act as containers for audio or MIDI data. There are three
different types of Regions: Audio Regions, MIDI Regions and Folder Regions. Also
see: Audio Region, MIDI Region and Folder.

Region Parameter box Box in the upper left corner of the Arrange window, used to
non-destructively set the playback parameters for individual Regions, including;
quantization, transposition, velocity, compression, and delay. These parameters do not
alter the stored data. Rather, they affect how the events are played back.

resonance A term generally associated with filters, particularly those of synthesizers.
Resonance emphasizes the frequency range surrounding the cutoff frequency. See
cutoff frequency.
