RKI Instruments Beacon 100 User Manual

Page 24

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24 • Instrument Setup Program

Beacon 100 Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual

Alarm Adjustments Screen

If ENTER is pressed with the cursor in front of ALARM, you can choose an alarm level,
ALARM 1, ALARM 2, or ALARM 3, for which the following settings can be changed:
alarm levels, relay action (normally energized or de-energized alarms), and alarm type
(rising or falling alarms). To access any of the above settings for a particular channel,
move the cursor in front of the alarm level desired with the UP and DOWN buttons and
press ENTER. The current alarm level, relay action (NDE or NE) and alarm type (RISE or
FALL) will be displayed.

Alarm Level

The user may set the alarm levels for the instrument to any level from zero to full

To access the alarm level, move the cursor in front of the current alarm level using the
UP and DOWN buttons and press ENTER. The current alarm level will start flashing.
The current alarm level is the number on the far right of the top display line.

To adjust the alarm level:


Use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust the setting to the desired level.


Press ENTER to accept the new setting and it will stop flashing. If you press
ESCAPE while the setting is still flashing, any change you may have made
will be cancelled and the original setting will be displayed.

Relay Action

This setting indicates how the relays operate in normal and alarm conditions. If the
setting is normally de-energized, NDE, the relays energize in alarm conditions. If the
setting is normally energized, NE, the relays de-energize in alarm conditions. The
default setting is normally energized, NDE.


The fail relay is not affected by this setting. The fail relay is factory-set as
normally energized and is not adjustable

To access the relay action setting, move the cursor in front of the current setting (NDE
or NE) using the UP and DOWN buttons and press ENTER. The current setting will
start flashing.

To update the relay action setting (normally energized or normally de-energized


Use the UP and DOWN buttons to change the setting to the relay action to the
desired setting, NDE or NE.


Press ENTER to accept the new setting and it will stop flashing. If you press
ESCAPE while the setting is still flashing, any change you may have made
will be cancelled and the original setting will be displayed.

Alarm Type

This setting indicates whether the alarm is a rising or falling alarm. If it is a rising
alarm, then the alarm activates when the reading increases above the alarm point. If it
is a falling alarm, then the alarm activates when the reading decreases below the
alarm point.

To access the alarm type setting, move the cursor in front of the current setting (RISE
or FALL) with the UP and DOWN buttons and press ENTER. The current setting will
start to flash.
