Vixen SPHINX SXD Mount User Manual

Page 26

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Page 26

(4) SCOPE MODE and CHART MODE are alternated each time the Chart or GOTO key is
pressed. The lower edge of the screen turns red in SCOPE MODE, and turns blue in

The current MODE status is shown at the upper left of the screen. In SCOPEMODE, both
the screen and telescope move simultaneously with the

keys. In CHART MODE,

only the screen is scrolled with the corresponding image of the sky. Always use CHART

MODE when searching for celestial objects on the screen. The two modes are linked to

each other but automatic slewing works from CHART MODE only. You cannot perform an
alignment after manually slewing in SCOPE MODE unless you first choose a target in


In SCOPE MODE, as you slew the telescope, the star chart on the screen moves along with
the telescope as its direction changes. SCOPE MODE is displayed as soon as you begin
automatic slewing after a GOTO command. Use this mode when you want to fine tune the
pointing of the telescope.

Unlike SCOPE MODE, the telescope is not linked to the screen in CHART MODE. Search
for objects in CHART MODE before starting automatic slewing. You may also use this
mode when you simply wish to refer to a star chart.

Hint 7 When you center a reference object, which is shown on the screen, in the field of
view of your eyepiece, try to center it as precisely as possible. This will increase the
accuracy of the system.

Hint 8 Do not change the orientation of the flip mirror by rotating it while you are in
alignment. Avoid switching the flip mirror, too. It may cause inaccurate pointing. Also
do not rotate the optical tube.
