Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN II Multiscreen Apparatus User Manual

Page 7

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Fig. 2. Diagonal crossing pattern for tightening screws in the multiscreen apparatus.

4.3 Sample Loading and Washing

Detailed instructions for performing immunoassays, including a comprehensive trou-

bleshooting guide, can be found in any of the Immun-Blot assay instruction manuals. See
page 2 for a complete listing of Immun-Blot assay kits available from Bio-Rad.

1. To load an antibody or serum sample, tilt the multiscreen apparatus toward you so that the

back of the unit is tilted up ~30° (see Figure 3). Using a syringe or Eppendorf pipet, load
the solution into the bottom unmarked holes of the channels. Slow, careful delivery of
sample is necessary to avoid trapping bubbles inside the channels. Titling the apparatus
helps the bubbles rise to the top, towards the numbered holes of the channels. Fill the
channel with 600 µl antibody solution.

Note: Antibody buffers containing BSA or BLOTTO* are recommended for use with
the multiscreen apparatus. Do not use antibody buffers with gelatin, as this may cause
coagulation of gelatin within the channels of the unit.

* BLOTTO is an acronym for Bovine Lacto Transfer Technique Optimizer, and refers

to non-fat dry milk.






