Bio-Rad Bio-Plex® Assay Builder User Manual

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Section 10

Fulton R, McDade R, Smith P, Kienker L, and Kettman J Jr, Advanced
multiplexed analysis with the FlowMetrix system, Clin Chem 43,
1749–1756 (1997)

Chang L, and Karin M, Mammalian MAP kinase signalling cascades,
Nature 410, 37–40 (2001)

For a complete list of publications using Bio-Plex Phosphoprotein
Detection Assays, refer to bulletin 5394.

xMAP is a trademark of Luminex Corp.

By purchasing this kit, which contains fluorescent labeled microsphere beads authorized by
Luminex, you, the customer, acquire the right under Luminex's patent rights* to use this kit or
any portion of this kit, including without limitation the microsphere beads contained herein, only
with Luminex’s laser-based fluorescent analytical test instrumentation known under the name of
Luminex 100, for example as marketed by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. in the Bio-Plex system.

*Including, but not limited to US patent 5,981,180; 6,046,807; 6,057,107.

