2 usage examples, 2 info options, 1 descriptions of options – Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange - User Guide User Manual

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Lists an archive location’s URI. The path may be specified in one of the
following ways: “C:\path\to\dir\”, “\\computer\share\dir\”,
“ftp://host/mybackups/” or “bsp://host/BackupServer”.


Displays task execution account’s credentials


Lists an ID of an archive within the specified location


Displays a password for the required archive location


Lists a parent item in the following format:


”. It can be null for storage



Displays items in a specific point in time. The time format depends on a system
locale of the particular computer (i.e. “01.06.2008 12:07:55”). The value can
also be <latest> that means the latest backup, and <pof> - point of failure

13.1.2 Usage Examples

cmd.exe list /item:”//StorageG oup1”



This command will list all mailboxes of storage group 1

cmd.exe list /location:”bsp://host/BackupServer” /archive:archive1 /pi :latest

This command will list all storage groups in archive1 located in

13.2 Info Options

Cmd.exe info [/location:<URI> [/credentials:"<login>:<password>"]]

[/archive:<name> [/password:<password>]] /item:"<item>" [/pit:<time>]

13.2.1 Descriptions of Options


Displays an archive location’s URI. The path may be specified in one of the
following ways: “C:\path\to\dir\”, “\\computer\share\dir\”,
“ftp://host/mybackups/” or “bsp://host/BackupServer”.


Task execution account’s credentials


Displays an ID of an archive within the specified location


Displays a password for the required archive location


