A.3 backing up several databases, Scenario, Acronis solution – Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange - User Guide User Manual

Page 83: A.4 encrypting database archives for storage, Acking up several databases, Ncrypting database archives for storage, Sing the, Isaster, Ecovery, Lan to restore databases

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A.3 Backing up several databases


The company uses only one Microsoft Exchange instance for running several
databases. All databases have different levels of importance concerning data loss:
some of them need to be backed up every day, others require only weekly backups.

Acronis solution

The database administrator should create independent tasks for different databases.
While creating a task, the database administrator specifies the appropriate schedule for
each database.

A.4 Encrypting database archives for storage


The company stores database backup archives off-site, hence they should be
effectively protected (encrypted).

Acronis solution

While creating a backup task, the database administrator should set a password to
protect the archive and encryption type (AES 128, 192 or 256) by specifying backup
While creating the restore task, the administrator has to provide the correct password
to the archive in order to restore the data. The password should be kept in a safe
place so that data may be restored if the company hires new administrators.

A.5 Using the Disaster Recovery Plan to restore databases


The business owner wants to be sure that the databases can be restored at any time,
even in case the database administrator is not available for any reason. For that
purpose, a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan should be created, which will help a
person without DBA knowledge restore damaged databases.

Acronis solution

While creating a backup task, the database administrator should specify a Disaster
Recovery Plan option, so that it would be sent to the business owner’s email. In case
of a disaster, the staff can restore databases according to the instructions contained in
the Disaster Recovery Plan.

A.6 Manual backup (before crucial changes in databases)


The company is preparing to make extensive changes to the databases. To avoid
possible loss, the databases must be backed up.

