2 usage examples, 3 backup options, 1 description of options – Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange - User Guide User Manual

Page 77: Ackup, Ptions

background image

Displays parent item information


Displays items in a specific point in time. The time format depends on a system
locale of the particular computer (i.e. “01.06.2008 12:07:55”). The value can
also be <latest> that means the latest possible state, and <pof> - point of

13.2.2 Usage examples

Cmd.exe info /location:”bsp://host/BackupServer”

[/credentials ”admin:qwerty”] /archive:<archive1> [/password:<password>]


This command will display information about archive1 located in


, credentials used are admin (login) and qwerty


13.3 Backup Options

Cmd.exe backup /location:<URI> [/credentials:"<login>:<password>"]

/archive:<name> [/item:"<item>"] [/backupType:Full|Incremental]

[/compression:None|Normal|High|Maximum|Ultimate] [/encryption:"None|AES

128|AES 192|AES 256:<password>"] [/substitute]

[/throttle:<throttle>] [/validate]

[/priority:Low|Normal|High] [/forceBrick]

13.3.1 Description of Options


Displays an archive location’s URI. The path may be specified in one of the
following ways: “C:\path\to\dir\”, “\\computer\share\dir\”,
“ftp://host/mybackups/” or “bsp://host/BackupServer”.


Task execution account’s credentials


Displays an ID of an archive within the specified location


This parameter is optional and displays a parent item in the following format:


To back up all storage groups set “//” as the parameter’s value. If this
parameter is not specified, the whole information store will be backed up


Specifies archive compression level. Normal is set by default


Specifies a type of backup to be created.


/encription:<”AES 128|AES 192|AES 256”>

