Dynojet WinPEP 7 User Manual

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WinPEP 7 User Guide

C H A P T E R 7
Formatting Graphs


Line Color —opens the Color dialog box. The Color dialog box lets you choose which
colors will be used to graph each data channel. A dozen combinations of colors are
provided, in both light and dark shades. The first three (blue, red, and green) are
used by default. You may choose any other combination by left-clicking (to choose the
left axis color) or right clicking (to choose the right axis color) on the color
combination boxes. Choose more specific colors by clicking on the large color
selection boxes (showing your current choice for colors). Use the lighter/darker boxes
to make either the left or right axis colors either lighter or darker than their opposite.
Colors that are currently in use will be disabled and may not be selected. Click Ok to
approve your selection or click Cancel to cancel.
If you make a mistake assigning colors, just click Reset All on the Line Style Picker
dialog box (or choose Tools


Graph Options


Reset Colors) to reset all graph

colors to their defaults.

Figure 7-4: Line Style Picker Window—Change Line Color

color button
