Dynojet WinPEP 7 User Manual

Page 104

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WinPEP 7 User Guide

C H A P T E R 7
Graph Options


Mouse Mode—changes the mouse between point, pan, and zoom mode.

Point Mode — lets you move the cursor or select runs.
Pan Mode — lets you move the graph around inside the window.
Zoom Mode — lets you change the magnification level in the graph display.

View Options—lets you specify the appearance of the graph.

Display Coordinates — displays the coordinates of the mouse cursor relative

to the scale on the graph.

Automatic Scaling — the graph chooses an appropriate scale for the data.
Display Negative Values — when off, the Y scale is stopped at zero and only

positive data will be displayed.

Force Scaling — forces left and right vertical scales to the same value. Some

graph operations will reset this option.

Number of Graphs — specifies the number of graphs (1-3) to be displayed.
Default Smoothing — specifies the level of smoothing (0-5).
Default Correction Factor — specifies the correction factor.
Graph Data Margin — specifies the amount of white space auto scaling adds

to the outside of the auto scaled data.



The Customize tab lets you customize the appearance of titles on your graph. Choose


Graph Options


Properties and click on the Customize tab.

Figure 7-7: Graph Properties—Customize
