1 simple navigation, 1 satellite ranging, How gps works 4 5 6 – Leica Geosystems GPS Basics User Manual

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GPS Basics -1.0.0en

How GPS works




3.1 Simple Navigation

This is the most simple technique

employed by GPS receivers to instanta-

neously give a position and height and/

or accurate time to a user. The accuracy

obtained is better than 100m (usually

around the 30-50m mark) for civilian

users and 5-15m for military users. The

reasons for the difference between

civilian and military accuracies are given

later in this section. Receivers used for

this type of operation are typically small,

highly portable handheld units with a

low cost.

A Handheld GPS Receiver

3.1.1 Satellite ranging

All GPS positions are based on measuring the distance from the satellites to the

GPS receiver on the earth. This distance to each satellite can be determined by the

GPS receiver. The basic idea is that of resection, which many surveyors use in their

daily work. If you know the distance to three points relative to your own position, you

can determine your own position relative to those three points. From the distance to

one satellite we know that the position of the receiver must be at some point on the

surface of an imaginary sphere which has it’s origin at the satellite. By intersecting

three imaginary spheres the receiver position can be determined.

Intersection of three imaginary spheres
