The play mode menu, Selecting a play mode, Using the dvd player's menu system – RCA RC5227P User Manual

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Using the DVD Player's Menu System

The Play Mode Menu

'I'lio DV!) Flayer's Play Mode menu lets yots choose ciitTerent ways to play the disc, To see ¡Hay

.!/(«/('menu options, ;i disc mtist he in the 0\’0 pla\’er.

Selecting a Play Mode

'I’he first three options in the ¡day Mode menu determine in what order the titles or tracks w ill ¡tlav
on a disc.

Standard Play:

plays the disc's titles, cha]iters, indexes, or tracks (de]X‘ndinj> on the type of

disc in the player) in tiieir default order (i.e., chapter f of Title 1 plays, then chttptcr 1 of
Title 1. etc.)

Random Play:

plays the chapters of each title in random order.

Program Play:

Flays the chapters trn the in the order you ha\'e programmed (you must

,select Edit Program and set up the order in which you w^ant the tracks on the disc to play ).

RbsUffl« Pity

||Stan(lard Play


«andoin Play





I Program Play

I Edit Program

I Dub AStift

I AutoPlay On

This Is where lit« iwo lines of ceiuext sefltmve help

will be l«atad.

1. If the disc is playing, pres.s STOP (the DVD Flayer's main menu


2. Highlight the Play Mode menu option

3. Press OK. The Play Mode menu itesns appetir.

a. Highlight the desired option and j^iress OK. Program Play wall ntjt

work unless you httve created a pi'ogram list.


ftandom Play

plays the

disc's tracks in random order.

Chapter 6

